Does this sound like you?
“I was recently diagnosed with food intolerances”
“Stress, stress, stress! No injuries thankfully.”
“I suffer from anxiety and depression”
“I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on with my stomach. I feel really tired after eating gluten, and I get bloated and gassy after certain meals.”
“I have Hashimotos + SIBO”
“I have an undiagnosed (suspected autoimmune) issue that causes itching/rashes, eczema, asthma/allergies, lactose intolerance, and IBS.”
“I’ve gained weight and am feeling sluggish”
**These are exact words from 4 Weeks to Wellness members
You’re not alone. I get it.
After I was diagnosed with Hashimoto Thyroiditis in my 20s, I swung back and forth between denial and doing nothing, and feeling like my health was a full-time job that left very little room for living.
I was completely overwhelmed by my doctor’s strict protocols and felt like a failure every time I enjoyed a bloody Mary at brunch or breathed the toxic fumes at my favorite nail salon #thestruggleisreal.
A rock bottom that involved adrenal burnout, unfortunate face rashes and gasp-worthy antibody levels led to my yearlong health odyssey, The Wellness Project. Making one change at a time taught me that feeling good in my body WAS possible.
During this journey, my skin cleared up, I found moderation for vices like caffeine, alcohol and sugar, I detoxed the products in both my pantry and bathroom (didn’t realize how much this step would help!), started sleeping 8 hours a night undisturbed, solved my IBS symptoms, got myself moving again and on an exercise schedule that worked for me, got rid of my back pain, replenished nutrients in my body after going off the pill, got my thyroid back on track, and no longer feel bloated after every meal.
You can see the difference in my before and after...
I went from a face riddled with acne and perioral dermatitis to clear skin in just 4 weeks, to completely calm makeup free living 1 year later. Yes, making small changes can make a difference that fast!
It may sound too good to be true, but I can tell you from personal experience and leading hundreds of others through the same protocol…
these results ARE possible — And in just 4 weeks!
Introducing: 4 Weeks to Wellness
Everything you need to get to the bottom of what’s going on with your body while making healthy lifestyle changes that will last.
The Curriculum
Week 1: The Vice Detox...Break Up with Sugar, Caffeine and Alcohol
Get your blood sugar in check by getting your cravings under control
Go cold turkey for a week, then figure out how to have moderation going forward
Give your liver a much needed reset so it can start doing it’s job better
Detox your system from junk that has accumulated over the years
Learn how to break up with some crutch foods and treats, and find healthier replacements
Batch cook low sugar breakfasts
Wake up your digestive system with coffee alternatives
Balance your hormones
P.S. This is everyone’s favorite week because people see night and day results right away. This week is all about healing from the inside out!
Week 2: Love the Skin You’re In
Switch to natural beauty products on a budget, step by step
Learn self-love strategies to embrace the skin you’re in
Depuff your face with a new powerful massage technique [video tutorial]
Get to the bottom of food sensitivities so they don’t wreak havoc on your face!
Get rid of hormone disruptive chemicals from your pantry
Get all my tested tricks to reduce the obvious missteps contributing to bad skin -- those small mistakes that have nothing to do with what you’re eating or putting on face
Week 2 is about taking everything you’ve learned from the vice detox and beginning the official 3-week elimination diet, removing potential allergens. This week is also all about healing from the outside in!
Week 3: Move and Hydrate
Recommit to a regular exercise routine
Retool your posture so that you’re not undoing all that progress at the gym with bad desk habits. My 5 easy desk stretch videos will be a game changer! If you suffer from back pain, these will really help.
Figure out what works for you so exercising can be a realistic and sustainable part of your week
Build casual movement into your day so you’re still getting exercise in even if you aren’t doing a full workout
Break up with the beverage isle!
Learn how our bodies use water and how to maximize absorption
Week 4: Rest and Relax
Hack your sleep cycle so you can make the most of your time under the sheets
Clean up your sleep hygiene, setting the stage for a good night’s sleep
Conquer stress + anxiety
Start the day the right way with a new and improved micro morning routine
Keep a nighttime gratitude journal
Test drive a simple meditation practice
Learn how to give yourself an intestinal massage - may sound strange but it’s a game changer [yes, video tutorial included ;)]
This week isn’t necessarily about getting more sleep (new baby, busy work week), it’s about getting better sleep -- optimizing the time you have.
Plus, you’ll get the 4 Weeks To Wellness Elimination Diet Guide + Cookbook
One of the key elements of 4 Weeks to Wellness is the elimination diet. This protocol cuts out the biggest allergens to give your body a much needed break and then I guide you on how to slowly add foods back into your diet so that you can really see what works for you and what doesn’t. We’ll dip our toes in during Week 1 and then do the full elimination diet Weeks 2 - 4.
As a professional chef, my #1 goal is that your elimination diet doesn’t feel like one. The meals are delicious, packed with fresh ingredients and flavor. People have loved the recipes so much that I actually created another full E-Cookbook by popular demand.
Here’s what you’re getting:
20 original (easy, gluten, dairy, refined sugar, soy and corn-free) recipes - with optional low FODMAP or plant-based track
Shopping Lists for each week
Batch Cooking Made Simple: step by step instructions
Meal Prep 101: tips and strategies on how to make the most of your meal prep, waste less in the kitchen, and save time at the stove
Elimination Diet Guide: A complete guide to tackling an elimination diet, choosing the plan that’s right for you, advice on sticking with it, and getting the most knowledge out of the experience with a step-by-step for how to reintroduce each ingredient properly
Need a low-FODMAP or plant-based version?
I’ve got you covered! I’ve created special adapted versions of the cookbook just for you.
You’ll also get
You’ll meet a band of new healthy hedonist homies to provide accountability along the way through our private community Facebook group.
symptoms + Activity Tracker
You’ll track your hydration, sleep, diet, symptoms and more. This worksheet is super helpful to make connections of when your symptoms are popping up.
on going support
I’ll be there cheering you on the whole time! We’ll connect regularly in the Facebook group and during the live coaching session.
Advanced Masterclasses with these guests!
Adina Grigore, health coach + founder of SW Basics skincare line
During Week 2, Adina will give us the inside scoop on why certain foods trigger skin issues and why certain skin and beauty products can do the same, even if they seem like great brands.
Kait Hurley, founder of Move + Meditate Method
Kait is a guest teacher for Week 3 + 4. During Week 3, you’ll get access to Kait’s program (I swear by it) plus we dive into how movement and mediation is the secret sauce for dealing with anxiety. You don’t need 30 minutes a day to workout OR meditate, you can combine both into one routine.

And a Live Coaching Session with Yours Truly!
While 4 Weeks to Wellness is not a one-on-one coaching program, the value of coaching is undeniable, which is why I’ve included one midpoint Q&A and coaching call during 4 Weeks to Wellness. This is an intimate setting to ask me anything and to get all your questions answered. I do not offer 1-on-1 coaching so this is the ONLY way to connect with me in this way.
To Sum It Up
You can join the 4 Weeks to Wellness online course from anywhere in the world (past participants have come to us from France, Dubai, Singapore, Ireland, Australia, and so many more cool places!). The curriculum is broken up into weekly and daily challenges.
Pre-course prep: The Friday before the session start date, you’ll receive access to the program materials and some preliminary pre-prep homework.
Short Daily Emails: will land in your inbox Monday through Friday, and accompanying videos (when applicable) will be housed in the Facebook group and on Teachable. Each week has a macro theme. Each day will include a small baby step to get you closer to that bigger goal.
Course Cookbook: You’ll get it at the beginning of the program in case you want to get a head start on your grocery shopping!
Recipes: Each week-long leg will include 5 original recipes to help support your progress through whole food nutrition. As a bonus, the May 2021 session will also get a second course cookbook with 14 additional pantry-friendly weeknight meals AND a free knife skills cooking class.
Weekly PDF Packet: Every Friday, you’ll get your weekly PDF packet so you have the weekend to read through the modules. These packets include info on each week’s theme, worksheets to help you easily make the lifestyle change at hand, and 5 recipes to support your nutrition each week.
Community: The online support and accountability group is an amazing resource, especially if you have questions. You’ll check in with me every day so we can track your progress together, and share your small victories!
Live Coaching: Half way through the program, we’ll meet live online to do specific to you coaching.
Enrollment is closed. we will be back next season!
4 Weeks To Wellness works. Here’s proof.
Getting sugar out of my diet cleared up my face
"Getting sugar out of my diet cleared up my face, cleaning out the fridge and pantry helped me make better choices, and my makeup options are better for my overall well-being. The great group of people really supported me each step of the way. If you need to jumpstart a healthy lifestyle, make this one-month commitment. You won't regret it."
- Geena
this is the first plan that has actually helped me have no stomach pain for 3 weeks
“I've struggled for 7 years to find the right balance of diet, nutrition and working out, but this is the first plan that has actually helped me have no stomach pain for 3 weeks. I have more energy, am sleeping better, acing my workouts, and enjoying nearly nightly family sit-down dinners! I have tried to do this on my own in a thousand different ways, never giving up, ever, but also never succeeding. I am so grateful to benefit from the tremendous research and beautifully designed materials. I had been asking for help from the universe on all of these fronts, and I must have been a ready student, because the perfect teacher came! Thank you, Phoebe!”
- Megan
I am able to spend more time focused on living life instead of meal prep and cleanup
“I haven't had this much energy in 5 years + my acne prone skin hasn't looked this good in 15 years! Because of the batch cooking method + recipes, I am able to spend more time focused on living life instead of meal prep and cleanup. Thank you for helping me build sustainable healthy habits!”
- Sarah
I feel pain free!
“I love that I am not revolving my day around my stomach pain. You could say I feel free of pain, something I haven't able to say in years! I love the program. I don't feel like I am giving up too much. I can see myself continuing the diet with some cheats once in awhile, everything in moderation. Thank you Phoebe!”
- Stefanie
Who is 4W2W for?
4 Weeks To Wellness is for those who are struggling with health issues (hormonal, thyroid, and digestive imbalances) or those who simply want to do a wellness reboot. You know that true lasting change takes time and some trial and error. You prioritize your health and time and know that building healthy habits and routines is KEY to your success in life. You are excited about doing an elimination diet and trying new techniques.
Who is 4W2W not for?
If you’re looking for a quick fix or a magic pill to instantly feel better, this program is not for you. If you aren’t open to experimenting and trying new things, this is the wrong place.
I will not be giving any diagnoses here, so if you’re looking for one, 4 Weeks To Wellness is not for you.
+ How is the program delivered?
The 4 Weeks to Wellness (4W2W) curriculum is broken up into weekly and daily challenges. Weekly PDF packets will be delivered every Friday to your inbox during the program so you have the weekend to read through the modules. Those packets include valuable information on each week’s theme, worksheets to help you easily execute the lifestyle change at hand, and 5 recipes to support your nutrition each week.
Short daily emails will land in your inbox Monday through Friday, and accompanying videos (when applicable) will be housed on Facebook and Teachable. You’ll receive the course cookbook at the beginning of the program in case you want to get a head start on your grocery shopping!
+ I'm post-partum, can I join?
Of course, the program will not wipe away the fact that there’s a tiny human in your life who wants to be fed and attended to, and may stand in your way of a good night’s sleep. What it will do is help you recommit to yourself in ways that is sorely lacking in post-partum how-to’s which are mostly about the baby.
Post-partum clients have said that their favorite aspect about the program is the meal planning. The recipes are easy to execute in advance during naptimes, and it takes a lot of the mental headache of cooking off the table during a time when there’s not a whole lot of mental energy to spare.
+ Is this vegetarian friendly?
YES. The recipes are 90 percent plants, but we've recently added a totally plant-based e-cookbook option, with shopping lists and step-by-step instructions to make sure you're not missing a thing. This menu is also perfect if you’re trying to experiment with less animal protein.
+ Is this different from your book?
So far, the majority of past clients have read the book, and found the course materials to be a helpful refresher and redux. While most of the heavy-hitting health information is woven throughout the book in personal narrative, 4W2W distills and organizes it into practical modules and gives you a set framework for how to apply new practices to your life from day to day and week to week.
+ Do I need a Facebook to join?
In short, yes. All the materials are delivered via email each week, and each daily challenge will also arrive in your inbox each morning. But you will be missing out on the community element, which I think would be a shame. You can always create a dummy account or unpause your account for the 4 weeks and ignore everything else happening on the network.
+ Is there a lot of homework?
The program focuses on small, simple changes that can have a big impact over time. My goal is for you to find it completely manageable and sustainable. The most time-consuming aspect will be cooking, and I’ve tried to make this as painless, streamlined, and simple as possible, without forgoing creativity and flavor. Plus, there are no exams!
+ Will this help with Hashimotos?
The course isn’t specifically designed for Hashimoto’s peeps – only about 15 percent of past participants have had a thyroid issue. But the curriculum is modeled after the year-long game plan I took on to heal my own Hashimoto’s, so I feel confident saying that it will be a big step in the right direction.
The underlying cause of so many women not feeling their best is a hidden hormone imbalance, so while I’m not super overt about this course being about balancing hormones...the vice detox, the product pantry purge, the focus on gentle restorative movement—is all about balancing hormones!
+ What diet are the recipes?
All recipes are free of gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, GMO soy, and processed sugars. If you require additional modifications for allergies, we will address this at the beginning and offer some adaptations. Recently, we added an additional e-cookbook for those following a low FODMAP diet or a plant-based diet.
+ Do you offer payment plans?
We don’t want the cost to be prohibitive and have done our best to create flexible ways to make it work, including a 3-month pay over time option. If you are dying to do the program but are a student or someone struggling with budget woes, I offer a limited number of discount codes per session. Email me to see if you’re eligible for one. We also offer the option to gift
+ How about gift certificates?
Want to give the good health? The 4 Weeks to Wellness Course makes for a fabulous (and thoughtful) gift for a whole variety of occasions. Birthdays (duh) but also for new moms looking to get back into the swing of things, recent grads trying to do a little detox after final exams and papers, or brides to be who want to get into wedding shape without the unhealthy expectations of today’s diet culture. To make your purchase into a gift, simply forward your confirmation to We offer an e-card option to make your gift extra special, and your loved one will have up to 1 year to use their credit towards any future session of the program.